Matters of Concern
Student Conduct Code Violations, Behavior Concerns, Accessibility Concerns, and Equity/Title
IX Grievances at TCC
Report a Concern
Tacoma Community College wants our students, employees, and visitors to be able to express their authentic selves and to realize our campus culture of care. We provide a variety of reporting mechanisms to assist faculty, staff, and students to effectively report and respond to those in our community who might be experiencing a crisis.
Below, you will find links to file a series of reports for Student Conduct Violations, Concerning or Threatening Behavior, Accessibility Concerns, and Equity/Title IX Grievances. If you are uncertain on how to report, or which report to choose, please file one of the reports and we will ensure the information gets to the correct person or department.
The complete Code of Student Conduct outlines students’ rights and responsibilities at TCC. Students are expected to maintain certain standards of conduct that reflect the core values of TCC; these include integrity, social justice, respect, community, and responsibility. Some examples of reported concerns that are not aligned with these values include disorderly conduct, assault, theft, hazing, and harassment.
Tacoma Community College is committed to a campus environment that supports learning, a vibrant campus life, and thoughtful dialogue. The student conduct process is educational and balances the interests of individual students with the interests of the Tacoma Community College community.
The code of student conduct will apply to incidents that occur on college premises, at college sponsored activities, as well as conduct that is off-campus and adversely affects the college community and/or the pursuit of its objectives.
When a Report is Submitted
- All reports are submitted through Maxient and are confidential based on college policy, and state, and federal laws.
- Once the report is received, the Student Conduct Administrator will review the report and may contact the reporting party for additional information.
- The administrator will invite the student to an Initial Disciplinary Meeting where there will be a discussion of the allegations directly with the student(s) involved. If the student does not show for this initial meeting, a decision and outcome may be decided in their absence.
- Together the student and conduct administrator will work to create educational opportunities to support the student’s academic and personal success while holding them accountable for not upholding the values of the college.
Submit a Student Conduct Incident Form
How does this affect a student’s record?
The Office of Student Affairs maintains a record of the student’s conduct history. Conduct records are educational records, and are thereby subject to the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA).
The conduct record is confidential and is only shared internally with College officials in instances when the student grants permission to release the record, or there is a legitimate educational interest as defined by FERPA, meaning the information requested is necessary to fulfill the individual’s professional responsibility. The conduct record is maintained throughout a student’s enrollment and thereafter for a minimum of 7 years. A student’s conduct record will only be released from the hard copy to a person or party external to the College if the student has granted permission, if the disclosure of the record is permissible under the provisions of FERPA, or if the College is required to do so by law. The digital copy of the conduct record will only be released to an external person or party where the College is required to do so by law.
We prioritize a culture of care at TCC by responding to issues of concern related to students, our campuses (Tacoma and Gig Harbor), and to the overall wellbeing of our community. The TCC Behavioral Intervention and Threat Assessment Team (BITA) serves as a central network focused on prevention and early intervention in situations involving people who may be experiencing serious distress or engaging in harmful or disruptive behaviors. Some examples of reported concerns include unexplained absences (after multiple contact attempts), persistent disruptive classroom behavior, housing insecurity, intimidation, harassment, and suicide ideation.
The BITA team receives, assesses, and responds to reports of concerning behaviors. This team is made up of counselors, faculty, campus safety professionals, and student affairs administrators who are experienced in conduct, trauma, emergency response, and supporting student success in and out of the classroom.
A Note of Care and Concern Referred by TCC Faculty or Staff
A Note of Care and Concern Referred by a Student
BITA Membership:
Administrative Assistant:
Ruth Fritz
Administrative Assistant to Student Affairs Administration
253.566.5335What happens when a report is submitted?
- All reports are submitted through Maxient and are confidential based on college policy, and state, and federal laws.
- The report is received by the Dean of Retention & Student Success.
- Each report is evaluated with the NABITA Risk Assessment Rubric.
- The dean will make an initial determination of the level of risk. Cases are determined to be of a “mild,” “moderate,” “elevated,” “severe,” or “extreme risk.”
- All cases that are assessed with an “elevated,”, “severe,”, or “extreme” risk are immediately forwarded to the BITA team.
- Cases that are determined to be “mild,” or “moderate” risk remain in Maxient and will be addressed on a secondary basis and during the weekly BITA team meetings.
- The BITA team meets weekly to review submitted reports and to render any further assessment.
- In the event the report is perceived to present a risk to self (and/or others), BITA will coordinate with the appropriate college offices to assist the student and the larger campus.
- The faculty liaison, on the BITA team, will initiate outreach and communication to the necessary academic leaders and faculty members.
- If the report involves ONLY faculty and/or staff, the report is sent to Human Resources.
- A member of the BITA team may follow up with the person who submits the report to seek additional information or clarification.
- If the team determines the case/person is appropriate for the BITA process, the person or person(s) will be contacted by a member of the BITA team.
- The type of intervention is dependent on the behavior. Such interventions might include referrals to counseling, academic support services, or referrals to emergency resources for Basic Needs through the Center (formerly CASA/MECA).
- BITA members will assist the person of concern with coordination of resources as well as follow-up on progress. BITA may determine there is no need to take any further action but will monitor the situation of concerns.
TCC supports an integrated learning experience for students with disabilities by promoting an environment that is free from physical and attitudinal barriers. Students are encouraged to develop successful learning strategies in collaboration with their faculty and the staff at Access Services.
Section 504 and Section 508 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, The Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, and Washington State laws prohibit discrimination against individuals with disabilities. Read Accommodations for Students with Disabilities policy here.
Federal Law
"No qualified individual with a disability, by reason of such disability, shall be excluded from the participation in or be denied the benefits of the services, programs, or activities of any public entity, or be subject to discrimination by any such entity."
Americans with Disabilities Act - 1990
"No otherwise qualified individual with a disability in the United States shall solely by reason of his/her disability be excluded from the participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subject to discrimination under any program or activity receiving federal financial assistance."
Rehabilitation Act of Congress, 1973 Title V; Section 504
TCC is committed to a timely, thorough, and thoughtful response to concerns of equity violations. We are also committed to providing an educational environment that is safe and accessible to all. In addition, TCC values due process, clarity of procedure, and strives to ensure equal access for all members of the campus community.
Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 (20 U.S.C. § 1681) is an all-encompassing federal law that prohibits gender-based discrimination in educational institutions that receive federal funds. Title IX is most associated with gender discrimination in athletics and is credited for advancing participation of women in athletics. However, the scope of Title IX is much broader. It prohibits gender-based discrimination in all college programs and activities.
Title IX protection from discrimination extends to faculty, staff, and students and includes such things as: sexual harassment, sexual assault, intimate partner violence, stalking, bias and discrimination, and pregnancy. It also prohibits retaliation against anyone who makes or participates in a complaint. Read more about TCC's Title IX policy here.
Anyone can report a concern about sexual harassment, sexual misconduct, or gender discrimination that impacts a person at TCC. Remember that college employees have mandatory reporting requirements, including the abuse of children and vulnerable adults.
Tacoma Community College values diversity, inclusion, and an environment free from discriminatory conduct. The College is committed to providing a safe, respectful, educational and work environment that is free of hostility, intimidation or harassment for all members of the TCC community.
Any conduct or communication motivated by hatred or prejudice that demeans, degrades, or harasses an individual or group based upon race, color, national or ethnic origin, ancestry, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, age, physical or mental disability, and veteran status is not tolerated.Examples include targeting a group or individual, in person or electronically, with hateful conduct that interferes with a person’s educational experience or employment, as well as acts of vandalism or graffiti.A bias incident may or may not involve violations of College policies or state or federal law.
The BIRT Team:
The Bias Incident Reporting Team (BIRT) is comprised of College staff, faculty, and campus safety. Their charge is to provide communication between different campus departments regarding students, provide a centralized repository for information about student behavioral concerns, follow up with referring persons, provide students with support, resources and case management, and to educate the community.
Who Should Use This Form?
This form is for the use of current students, faculty, or staff from Tacoma Community College. Please provide detailed information regarding the bias incident you are reporting. Once the form is received, a member of BIRT will review the information and take appropriate action, which may or may not include contacting the student, you, and any others you have identified. If you have any questions related to completing a Bias Impact Reporting Form, please call (253)566-5238.
What is a Bias Incident?
A bias incident includes but is not limited to the use of racial, ethnic, religious, sexual or anti-gay slurs and/or symbols of hate. This also includes physical attacks, intimidation, threatening action or language, and damage to personal property because of a student’s race, color, religion, national origin, ethnic background, gender, gender identity or expression, sexual orientation, or disability.
Academic dishonesty is inconsistent with the values and mission of Tacoma Community College. Students at TCC are expected to be honest and forthright in their academic endeavors. Cheating, plagiarism, fabrication or other forms of academic dishonesty corrupt the learning process and demean the educational environment for all students. For more information on the procedure for academic dishonesty, review the Administrative Procedure Academic Dishonesty.
Reporting Emergencies
For matters of immediate concern, please call Campus Safety FIRST. They can and will respond immediately while contacting TPD or any external agency.
Emergency Number: 253-566-5111
Customer Service (non-emergency questions, parking, staff/student ID’s): 253-460-4422
Alternate Emergency Number: 253-495-4146